Posted a new short toon, Tribute to Trogdor
I put the multi in multimedia student. 3d animation, 2d animation, film, audio, writing, acting, directing, graphic art, web design, and a even little programming. I'm even kind of decent at them.
ITT Rancho Cordova CA
Joined on 7/14/07
Posted by VentMultimedia - March 2nd, 2008
Episode 2 has been released on schedule on, however, it will be released on Newgrounds a day late. Why? Well, let's just say I want to add a little something special to the toon for all my fans at Newgrounds. Bwahaha.
Posted by VentMultimedia - February 14th, 2008
It's been a while, the second episode was SUPPOSED to be a Halloween episode, just to give you some idea of how behind schedule it is. However, the release date is SET IN STONE for March 1st, and I gurantee it will be posted on that day (or night).
To earn back a little credibility, you can see a preview for the toon here.
Posted by VentMultimedia - August 31st, 2007
Woohoo! The first episode of the cartoon is now up on newgrounds to very positive reviews. Check it out, give a score, write a review, and visit the website. If you think there's some small areas that could be easily improved, let me know and I'll check it out.
For the haters and the flamers, don't bother. I'm not a angry snotty child, I'm not going to respond to your hatred with anger. I'm a very happy person, so some internet hardass is hardly going to phase me, so don't waste your time. Hasta!
Posted by VentMultimedia - August 18th, 2007
Say hello to my home on Newgrounds. Also check out, my personal website. Register, post in the forums, be a cool guy, punch a goat, buy me Wendy's etc.
Just starting out making games and cartoons, much more to come, but for now play my first game, Wanted Waldo.
The first episode of the cartoon series is about 98% done and will be posted VERY soon.